Agroforestry Plant Profile - Walking Onion.

The walking onions are a perennial allium that multiply by forming bulblets from the flowers instead of seeds and dividing underground bulbs. The whole plant is edible, the bulbs can be used as a natural rooting hormone, and plants grow well both indoors and outdoors. They are hardy from zone 3 to 9.

The scientific name of the walking onion is A. cepa var. aggregatum X A. fistulosum. Walking onions are cold tolerant, drought hardy, and disease resistant.

You can eat greens in the springs (like jumbo chives), the bulblets and stalks in the summer (the stalk is crisp and juicy almost like celery), and older bulbs from the ground in the fall and winter (the older bulbs are a wonderful spicy shallot).

Walking Onion are amazing companion plants for fruit trees, carrots, and many other plants. Thier strong smell and flavor deter pests and help mask the sent of your crops.


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