About Us

Stafford, Kansas

Birdhouse.farm: A Healing Nature Center, Nature Refuge and, Research Farm.

Birdhouse.farm LLC was established in 2021. We share opportunities for people to align their way of life with more sustainable processes, both internally and in the world around them.

Some of our primary goals include:

Protecting and promoting Quivira National Wildlife Refuge as an international tourist attraction that can invigorate Stafford county's economy.

Creating an oasis of top quality bird habitat amidst vast amounts of habitat degraded by agricultural use.

Educating the people of the world about Quivira National Wildlife Refuge's role as a major stop in North America's central flyway of international importance.

We provide educational programs, community outreach, synergistic partnerships, and facilitating access to high-quality local foods.

We offer in-person and online classes, workshops, and consulting. Topics include: sustainable farming and gardening, native planting to optimize wildlife habitat, mushroom cultivation, personal time management, and end of life planning.

Our Farm Shop offers Birdhouse.farm produced foods for birds and humans, local Kansas products, vintage/repurposed goods, and a curated offering of books and farm/garden supplies.

The Birdhouse.farm farmhouse is available for visitors to immerse themselves in nature with overnight and weekly lodging options, individual and group retreats, and more hands-on workshop opportunities. Starting autumn 2023, our BirdBus will be available for rental.

You can also stay on the property in a self contained RV or camper, and we have four tent camping sites that are available by reservation.


“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”

― Albert Einstein