Are Edible Arthropods the Protein of the Future?

Throughout history arthropods have been consumed by cultures all over the world. From crawfish, and lobster to spiders, crickets and many more small animals in-between. Arthropods have served our species faithfully as a delectable source of high quality protein for millennia.

Foraging for wild edible insects is a great way to add diversity to your diet. Cicadas, bagworms, crickets, grasshoppers, termites, ants, bees, wasps and more are likely to be edible. As with any wild edible, only eat what you can identify with certainty as an edible species, and never eat any animal raw as they may contain internal parasites.

For those of us who are not inclined to running around the forest searching for our food. There is an alternative that is becoming more available every year, farm fresh insects. Farming insects and other arthropods may provide a sustainable source of affordable high quality protein that could be the future of protein supplements and a source of diversity in the culinary industry.

Birdhouse Farm will be starting an arthropod farming research program, with good luck, hard work, and a little support from our readers. We hope to provide edible arthropods, pet feeders, and bio-active vivarium pets for sale both locally, and on our online store this fall.

Support Birdhouse Farm today by purchasing Birdhouse memorabilia, and other sustainably sourced local goods from our online store.


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