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Bee Hive Tour

August 14 - 3:30 pm at Property

Beekeeping demonstration in Stafford Kansas! Open to aspiring beekeepers and anyone curious about beekeeping in general. Our Bh.f Resident Bee Expert, Philip, will be giving a tour of one of our hives at the next hive check-up. As he goes through the hive, he will identify the different stages of brood, burr comb, how the bees communicate, beekeeping terminology, & more. Questions and comments during the demonstration are highly encouraged. Property - 612 West Crawford, Stafford, Kansas, 67578.

$25 admission fee / $15 for members

RSVP by messaging the Birdhouse Facebook page or calling/texting 620-377-7193.

October 22

Workshop: Writing from Your Senses with author Jennie Shortridge (3 Part Series)