Skipping Mowing Can Help Our Farmers

Hey there, fellow garden and lawn enthusiasts! Are you ready to make a difference right in your own backyard? Let’s talk about how skipping that lawnmower routine for a month can actually lend a hand to our hardworking farmers in rural Kansas.

Picture this: a sea of wildflowers, buzzing with bees and butterflies, stretching out across your lawn. That’s the beauty of "No Mow May." By giving up the mower for just one month, you’re not just letting your grass grow wild – you’re creating valuable habitat for pollinators. And why does that matter? Well, those busy bees and fluttering butterflies play a vital role in pollinating crops. By supporting their populations in your own backyard, you’re indirectly helping farmers ensure successful harvests.

Now, let’s talk practicality. Rural life often means big properties and lots of lawn to mow. By participating in "No Mow May," you’re not just saving yourself some time and hassle – you’re also saving money. Think about it: fewer trips to the gas station, less wear and tear on your lawnmower, and fewer hours spent sweating in the sun. Plus, letting your grass grow naturally can actually improve soil health over time, reducing erosion and increasing organic matter. It’s a win-win for you and for the environment.

So, how can you get involved? It’s simple – just put down the mower and embrace the wild side of your lawn for the month of May. Let those native plants and wildflowers flourish, and enjoy the beauty of a more natural landscape. Not only will you be doing your part to support our farmers and local ecosystems, but you’ll also be creating a haven for wildlife right in your own backyard. So, let’s make this May a month to remember – for our lawns, for our farmers, and for our planet.


HNC Webinar: Orienting to death, dying, and grief as a very natural process.


10 Reasons You Shouldn't Mow Your Lawn