Rural Communities and the Benefits of "No Mow May”

In rural Kansas, where wide-open spaces abound, embracing "No Mow May" can bring a host of benefits to local communities. This initiative encourages residents to refrain from mowing their lawns for the entire month of May, allowing native plants and wildflowers to flourish. By participating in "No Mow May," rural communities can support local ecosystems, promote biodiversity, and even save time and money.

First and foremost, letting the grass grow wild during May can provide vital habitat for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other insects. Native plants and wildflowers offer these creatures essential food sources and shelter. In rural areas where agriculture dominates, maintaining healthy populations of pollinators is crucial for ensuring successful crop yields. "No Mow May" can play a small yet significant role in supporting local farmers and sustaining the delicate balance of the rural ecosystem.

Moreover, embracing "No Mow May" can be a practical decision for rural homeowners. With large properties common in rural Kansas, mowing can be a time-consuming and expensive task. By skipping a month of mowing, residents can save on fuel, equipment maintenance, and labor costs. Additionally, allowing the grass to grow naturally can help improve soil health by reducing erosion and increasing organic matter. Ultimately, "No Mow May" is a simple yet impactful way for rural communities to foster environmental stewardship while enjoying the beauty of native landscapes.


Part I: Environmental Crisis, Is the Damage Beyond Repair?


What’s a “Bee Lawn”?