DIY and Save: Series Overview - Saving Money in the Garden by “Doing it Yourself”

Gardeners can save money by making their own materials instead of purchasing them. Here are some of our favotite ways to DIY and Save.

1. Compost: Instead of buying expensive bags of compost or fertilizer, you can make your own compost at no cost. Collect kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials and create a compost pile or bin in your garden. Over time, these materials will break down into nutrient-rich compost that you can use to enrich your soil.

2. Seed saving: Save seeds from your existing plants to grow new ones in the next growing season. Allow the plants to flower and produce seeds, then collect and properly store them for future use. This eliminates the need to purchase new seeds every year.

3. Propagation: Instead of buying new plants, learn to propagate your existing ones. Many plants can be propagated from cuttings, divisions, or by layering. By propagating your own plants, you can expand your garden without spending money on new ones.

4. DIY garden structures: Rather than buying expensive garden structures like trellises, raised beds, or plant supports, consider building them yourself. Use recycled materials such as wooden pallets, old lumber, or salvaged items to create functional and unique structures for your garden.

5. Homemade pest control: Make your own pest control solutions using simple ingredients found at home. For example, you can create a natural insecticidal soap by mixing liquid soap with water, or use a mixture of garlic and water as a natural insect repellent. These homemade solutions are often more cost-effective than store-bought alternatives.

6. Garden mulch: Instead of purchasing mulch, use organic materials from your garden or kitchen as mulch. Grass clippings, leaves, straw, or shredded newspaper can be used to cover the soil around your plants, suppressing weeds, retaining moisture, and enriching the soil as they break down.

7. DIY propagation tools: Many gardening tools can be easily made at home. For example, you can create your own plant labels using old popsicle sticks or repurpose plastic containers into seedling pots. Look for creative ways to make your own tools and supplies rather than buying them.

By utilizing these strategies, gardeners can significantly reduce their expenses while still maintaining a productive and beautiful garden. It also adds a personal touch and satisfaction to the gardening experience.


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